Robert A. Magnussen, MD
I currently serve as Professor in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the Ohio State University. I specialize in the treatment of sports injuries, including both operative and non-operative care. While I treat injuries throughout the body, my primary area of interest is the knee. I am interested in ligament injuries, such as the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and dislocations of the kneecap. My role as both a clinician and researcher allows me to translate the results of my research in these areas directly to my patients.
- Fellowship in Sports Medicine and Knee Surgery , Hôpital de la Croix-Rousse, Lyon, France (8/2010 – 7/2011)
- Fellowship in Sports Medicine and Shoulder Surgery, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC. (8/2009 – 7/2010)
- Residency in Orthopaedic Surgery , Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN (7/2005 – 6/2009)
- Visiting Resident in Sports Medicine, Ullevål University Hospital, Oslo, Norway (3/2008-4/2008)
- Internship in General Surgery, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN (7/2004 – 6/2005)
- Masters Degree in Public Health, The Ohio State University College of Public Health, Columbus, OH (May 2014)
- Doctor of Medicine, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC (May 2004)
- Bachelor of Science with Honors in Chemistry, Davidson College, Davidson, NC. Magna Cum Laude (May 2000)
- Patellofemoral Anatomy Research Excellence Award, Arthroscopy Association of North America, 2022.
- AJSM Jack Hughston Award, Outstanding paper in the American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2021.
- American Orthopaedic Association, inducted, 2020
- Top Sports Medicine Poster, American Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, 2020
- ISAKOS / Patellofemoral Society Traveling Fellowship, 2019-2021.
- Castle Connolly Top Doctor, 2019 - 2023
- AOSSM-APKASS Traveling Fellowship. Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, 2019.
- O’Donoghue Sports Injury Award, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, 2017.
- International Patellofemoral Study Group, inducted 2017.
- Patellofemoral Anatomy Research Excellence Award, Arthroscopy Association of North America, 2017.
- Bart Mann Award, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, 2016.
- The Ohio State University College of Medicine Faculty Award for Outstanding Faculty Performance, 2015.
- Poster Award, First Place, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, 2015.
- Featured Author, American Journal of Sports Medicine Author Spotlight, February 2014.
- ACL Study Group, inducted 2013.
- EFOST European Traveling Fellowship, Portugal, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, October 2012.
- Young Investigator Research Award, European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedic Sports Traumatology, 2012.
- AirCast Award for Clinical Science, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, 2011.
- Best Presentation Award, co-author, Brunei Scientific Session, 2011.
- International Sports Medicine Fellowship Award, French Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology (SOFCOT), 2010.
- Kathryn Cramer Outstanding Resident Paper Award, Vanderbilt Orthopaedic Society, 2009.
- Resident Paper Award, Tennessee Orthopaedic Society, 2008.
American Board of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Subspecialty Certification in Orthopaedic Sports Medicine.
- Gonzalez R, Ryskamp D, Swinehart S, Cavendish P, Miliron E, DiBartola AC, Duerr RA, Flanigan DC, Magnussen RA. The Impact of Articular Cartilage Status on Outcomes of Isolated Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction. In Press, Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc.
- Long J, Pappa N, Stitgen M, Flanigan DC, Fowler B, DiBartola AC, Magnussen RA. Patient-reported Outcomes Following Medial Patellofemoral Reconstruction with Peroneus Longus Allografts Demonstrate Good Outcomes. Arthrosc Sports Med Rehabil. 2023; 5(1): e201-e106.
- Fabricant PD, Heath MR, Mintz DN, Emery K, Veerkamp M, Gruber S, Green DW, Strickland SM, Wall EJ, JUPITER Study Group, Shubin Stein B, Parikh S. Many Radiographic and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Assessments for Surgical Decision Making in Pediatric Patellofemoral Instability Patients Demonstrate Poor Interrater Reliability. Arthroscopy. 2022 Sep; 38(9): 2702-2713.
- Magnussen RA, Peters NJ, Long J, Pappa N, Schmitt LC, Brunst CL Kaeding CC, Flanigan DC. Accelerated Rehabilitation Protocol Following Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction Does Not Increase Risk of Recurrent Instability. Knee. 2022; 38: 178-183.
- Pappa N, Flanigan DC, Long J, Dorweiler M, Fowler B, Duerr RA, DiBartola AC, Kaeding CC, Magnussen RA. Influence of Patellofemoral Anatomy on Outcomes of Isolated Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction for Recurrent Patellar Instability. Orthop J Sports Med. 2022 Jun 29; 10(6): 23259671221104414
- Meynard P, Malatray M, Sappey-Merinier E, Magnussen RA, Bodiou V, Lustig S, Servien E. Medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction for recurrent patellar dislocation allows a good rate of return to sport. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2022 Jun; 30(6): 1865-70.
- DiBartola AC, Magnussen RA, Perez AA, Fitzpatrick S, Smith S, Flanigan DC. Tibia tubercle distalization osteotomy: A surgical technique. Tech Orthop. 2022; 37(1): 22-27.
- Baria MR, Plunkett E, Miller MM, Borchers J, Miller TL, Magnussen RA. Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous Tendon Scraping: A Novel Technique for Treating Patellar Tendinopathy. Tech Orthop. 2021; 36(4): 386-390.
- Vajapey SP, Ghenbot S, Baria MR, Magnussen RA, Vasileff WK. Utility of percutaneous ultrasonic tenotomy for tendinopathies: A systematic review. Sports Health. May-Jun 2021; 13 (3): 258-264.
- Fabricant PD, Heath MR, Veerkamp M, Gruber S, Green DW, Strickland SM, Wall EJ, Mintz DN, Emery KH; JUPITER Study Group, Shubin Stein BE, Parikh SN, Brady JM, Ellis HB, Farr J, Heyworth BE, Koh JL, Kramer D, Magnussen RA, Redler LH, Sherman SL, Tompkins M, Wilson PL. Reliability of radiologic assessments of clinically relevant growth remaining in knee MRI of children and adolescents with patellofemoral instability: Data from the JUPITER cohort. Orthop J Sports Med. 2021 Apr 13;9(4):2325967121991110.
- Dibartola AC, Legere-St-Jean B, Magnussen RA, Flanigan DC. Anteriorization of the Tibial Tubercle with Osteotomy, Combined with Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation in the Patellofemoral Joint: A Surgical Technique. Tech Orthop. 2020; 35(4): 267-271.
- Flanigan DC, Shemory S, Lundy N, Stitgen M, Long JM, Magnussen RA. Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction with Allograft versus Autograft Tissue Results in Similar Recurrent Dislocation Risk and Patient-Reported Outcomes. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 2020 Jul;28(7):2099-2104.
- Colatruglio M, Flanigan DC, Harangody S, Duerr R, Kaeding CC, Magnussen RA. Identifying patients with patella alta and/or severe trochlear dysplasia through the presence of patellar apprehension in higher degrees of flexion. Orthop J Sports Med. 2020 Jun 1;8(6):2325967120925486.
- Baria MR, Vasileff WK, Miller M, Borchers J, Miller TL, Magnussen RA, Durgam SS. Percutaneous ultrasonic tenotomy effectively debrides tendons of the extensor mechanism of the knee: A technical note. Knee. 2020 Mar; 27(3): 649-655.
- Beals C, Peters N, Kim W, Early N, Shemory S, Vasileff WK, Flanigan DC, Magnussen RA. The Effect of Agreement on Slice Selection on Inter-Rater Reliability of MRI Assessment of Patellofemoral Joint Anatomy. J ISAKOS. 2019 Nov; 4: 302-305.
- Rimmke NA, Magnussen RA, Flanigan DC. MPFL Reconstruction Technique Utilizing Patellar Suture Anchors and a Peroneus Longus Tendon Allograft. J Surg Orthop Adv. 2019 Fall; 28 (3):166–174.
- Malatray M, Magnussen RA, Lustig S, Servien E. Lateral retinacular release is not recommended in association with MPFL reconstruction in recurrent patellar dislocation. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2019 Aug: 27(8): 2659-64.
- Galloway RT, Xu Y, Hewett TE, Barber Foss K, Kiefer AW, DiCesare CA, Magnussen RA, Khoury J, Ford KR, Diekfuss JA, Grooms D, Myer GD. Identification of age-dependent patellofemoral pain hip and knee risk landing profiles in pre- and post-adolescent female athletes. Am J Sports Med. 2018 Sep; 46 (11): 2761-71.
- McNeilan RJ, Everhart JS, Mescher P, Abouljoud MM, Magnussen RA, Flanigan DC. Graft choice in isolated MPFL reconstruction: A systematic review with meta-analysis of rates of recurrent instability and patient reported outcomes for autograft, allograft, and synthetic options. Arthroscopy. 2018 Apr; 34(4): 1340-1354.
- Magnussen RA, Verlage M, Stock E, Zurek L, Flanigan DC, Tompkins M, Agel J, Arendt EA. Primary patellar dislocations without surgical stabilization or recurrence: How well are these patients really doing? Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2017 Aug; 25(8): 2352-2356.
- Everhart JS, Cole D, Sojka JH, Higgins JD, Magnussen RA, Schmitt LC, Flanigan DC. Treatment options of patellar tendinopathy: Arthroscopy 2017 Apr; 33(4): 861-872.
- Schneider DK, Grawe B, Magnussen RA, Harrison A, Parikh SN, Wall EJ, Colosimo AJ, Kaeding CC, Myer GD. Outcomes Following Isolated MPFL Reconstruction for the Treatment of Recurrent Lateral Patellar Dislocation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Am J Sports Med. 2016 Nov; 44(11): 2993-3005.
- Payne J, Rimmke N, Schmitt LC, Flanigan DC, Magnussen RA. The incidence of complications of tibial tubercle osteotomy: A systematic review. Arthroscopy. 2015 Sep; 31(9): 1819-25.
- Mitchell J, Magnussen RA, Collins CL, Currie DW, Best TM, Comstock RD, Flanigan DC. Epidemiology of Patellofemoral Instability Injuries among U.S. High School Athletes. Am J Sports Med. 2015 Jul; 43(7): 1676-82.
- Magnussen RA, Duffee AR, Kalu D, Flanigan DC. Does Early Operative Treatment Improve Outcomes of Primary Patellar Dislocation? A Systematic Review. Current Orthop Practice. 2015 May; 26(3): 281-6.
- Magnussen RA, De Simone V, Lustig S, Neyret P, Flanigan DC. Treatment of patella alta in patients with episodic patellar dislocation: A systematic review. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2014 Oct; 22(10): 2545-50.
- Matic GT, Magnussen RA, Kolovich GP, Flanigan DC. Return to Activity Following Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Repair or Reconstruction. Arthroscopy. 2014 Aug; 30(8): 1018-1025.
- Berard JB, Magnussen RA, Bonjean G, Ozcan S, Lustig S, Neyret P, Servien E. Femoral tunnel enlargement after MPFL reconstruction: Prevalence, risk factors, and clinical impact. Am J Sports Med. 2014 Feb; 42(2): 297-301.
- Barber Foss KD, Myer GD, Magnussen RA, Hewett TE. Diagnostic differences for anterior knee pain between sexes in basketball players. J Athl Enhancement. 2014 Jan 3(1).
- Harrison RK, Magnussen RA, Flanigan DC. Avoiding complications in patellofemoral surgery. Sports Med Arthrosc Rev. 2013 Jun; 21(2): 121-8.
- Lustig S, Magnussen RA, Dahm DL, Parker D. Patellofemoral arthroplasty, where are we today? Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2012 July; 20(7): 1216-26.
- Mayer C, Magnussen RA, Servien E, Demey G, Jacobi M, Neyret P, Lustig S. Patellar tendon tenodesis in associated with tibial tubercle distalization for the treatment of episodic patellar dislocation with patella alta. Am J Sports Med. 2012 Feb; 40(2): 346-51.
- Jacobi M, Reischl N, Bergmann M, Bouaicha S, Djonov V, Magnussen RA. Reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament using the adductor magnus tendon: an anatomical study. Arthroscopy. 2012 Jan; 28(1): 105-9.